African Americans Have a Real Friend in Marco Rubio.

Mike Weisser
4 min readJul 2, 2024

We still don’t know who Trump will pick to be his Vice President running-mate, but there’s no question that Marco Rubio is trying his best to fill the slot.

The reason I say that is because Trump’s comment about immigrants coming into the country and ‘taking’ black jobs away from African Americans, a statement which almost but not quite overshadowed Joe’s befuddled performance, has now become a point of discussion for Rubio who believes he can explain what Trump really meant by that statement, perhaps even better than Trump can explain the statement himself.

Before I get to Rubio, I should tell you that as much as I would like to run every, single comment made by Trump about anything up the racist flagpole, I suspect that in this instance he simply tried to point out that new immigrants often take low-paying jobs which are usually filled by minorities, because that’s the way it is.

Of course, Trump would never ascribe such a situation to what we now refer to as ‘structural racism,’ because: a) for Trump the only racism in America is practiced by liberals against blacks; and b) for Trump the word ‘structural’ refers to a hi-rise or a condo which hopefully bears his name.

But anyone who believes that the ‘land of opportunity’ has offered as much opportunity to African Americans…

