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Can the Select Committee Tie Trump to January 6th?
Before most of my readers were born, I went down to D.C. to attend a rally against the Viet Nam war. First, we marched around the White House to piss off Nixon, then we walked across the 14th Street Bridge to listen to some speeches in front of the Pentagon. Then we went home.
The next day, Nixon announced that he wasn’t interested in the protests because the only reason we had come to D.C. was because the Communists had paid us to show up.
How did he know this? Because J. Edgar Hoover told him that the entire anti-war movement was directed from Moscow. That was a fact.
Yesterday I watched the Select Committee hearing and I got the feeling that our side was now trying to concoct a story to explain a political demonstration that simply wasn’t true.
The event in question, of course, is the January 6th riot and the explanation for why it occurred is that it was planned and directed by Donald Trump.
As much as I’d like to see Orange Shithead (OS) take it up the ass, I’m still waiting for the Select Committee to present any evidence — personal testimony, emails, memos — which show that Trump did anything to get a crowd to show up in D.C.
Putting up a tweet asking people to show up for a rally doesn’t make you responsible for whether…