Can Trump End Democracy?

Mike Weisser
4 min read2 days ago

Earlier this week I posted a story which referenced a piece by Evan Osnos in The New Yorker Magazine which I said was not unlike other content the magazine had run over the years which gave us original and perceptive views on current political life.

That same issue of The New Yorker dated October 21, contains another article on the current campaign, this one by Adam Gopnik, and this piece, which is a prediction of how Trump will commit all kinds of serious damage to American political life if he gets back into the Oval Office again, is so rife with misunderstandings about the so-called ‘threat’ represented by Trump, that I simply don’t understand how the piece could have been allowed to get past the editor’s desk.

Remember how Trump used to be routinely referred to as a Fascist? The liberal media bounced that one around for a couple of years and it continues to pop up now and again, but Trump is just as frequently referred to as an autocrat, a dictator or some other appellation which conveys the idea that he’s an enemy of democracy, no matter how it’s defined.

Gopnik has taken the whole thing a step further by putting Trump into a contextual tradition that goes all the way back to Lincoln, if not earlier, and involves coming up with an understanding of what the author calls electoral ‘space.’

