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Did the Military Protect Us from Trump?
I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again. The best thing that could happen to the Democrat(ic) Party would be if Orange Shithead won the GOP nomination for 2024. But now I’m going to amend that statement and say that I not only hope he wins the top slot for the read team next year, but that he goes on to win another Presidential term.
And the way this could happen would be if he somehow avoids a conviction in the upcoming trials which will be held next year, but enough Democrat(ic) voters stay home because they just don’t think that Joe’s ready to do another four years and they have bought the Fake News bullshit about how Kamala Harris isn’t ready to do the Number One job.
Let’s not forget, incidentally, that the election could also swing on the votes of those so-called ‘progressive’ Democrats in three or four states because if they stay home and Orange Shithead gets the votes in 2024 that he got in Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin, that’s all it might take.
Now I just posted another column in which I pointed out that Trump is hardly the great threat that the Fake News believes him to be, if only because he’s just too goddamn lazy to really get anything done.
This view is being challenged at the moment by a very long and detailed article in The Atlantic Monthly magazine, which has become more…