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Did Trump Really Hold a News Conference?
I tuned into Trump’s news conference yesterday a little late and after watching for 30 minutes or so, I turned it off. I don’t know who was more bored or more boring— me or Trump.
It turns out that I wasn’t the only one who stopped watching his non-stop monologue. So did CNN and MS-NBC. Both networks cut away from the event while Trump was droning on and on, which is something they should have been doing on a routine basis over the last four years.
Trump needs Fake News outlets like CNN and MS-NBC a lot more than he needs Fox or those other alt-right media outfits, many of which appear to be steadily losing their viewer numbers anyway. The folks who waste their time and maybe their money going to those websites will vote for Trump no matter what, assuming that they vote.
What Trump needs in order to win the election is to convince a relatively small number of voters in four or five states that they should vote for him instead of voting for the other side, but these are people who, generally speaking, are going to tune into politics via CNN or MS-NBC.
I started watching Trump’s performance just as he was delivering a meandering comment about these Mexican criminal gangs which sneak into the country and seem to be active in towns in Long Island and other locations where, according to Trump, violent crime is sky-high. The USA is threatened by the presence of these no-goodniks because our borders are wide open, which of course wasn’t true when Trump was in charge.