Do You Have To Be Dumb To Like Trump?

Mike Weisser
4 min read1 day ago

Sometime back in the 1980’s, I wish I could remember the date, but I can’t, there was a guy from New Jersey who was driving through some neighborhood in the borough of Queens when his car sprung a leak of the transmission fluid and then the car simply stopped.

The poor bastard didn’t want to pay for a tow all the way back you where he lived on the other side of the Hudson River, and he also didn’t want to have his car fixed by some garage in Queens.

While the man was contemplating his next move, he absentmindedly put the car into reverse to move out of the way of other cars coming down the street and his car actually moved!

Know what he did? He actually drove his car in reverse all the way from Sunnyside, Queens using local streets to drive backwards to get to the George Washington Bridge, a trip which took him some four or five hours, but he made it all the way to the George Washington Bridge.

Of course, he had to drive backwards across the bridge and that’s where he was stopped by the Port Authority Police. They ticketed him for unsafe driving but at least he only had to pay for a tow between the Bridge and his local garage, which saved him lots of bucks.

I was reminded of this episode while I was writing the first story I put up today, in which I talked about a guy who was…

