Does Trump Have a GOTV Campaign?

Mike Weisser
4 min read2 days ago

I was born in 1944, so I became a member of the Whole Earth Catalog generation as I was growing up. And I had no problem putting paper and cardboard in one garbage can and the half-eaten pizza slices in another can. I also knew that when I finished drinking a soda as I was driving along in my car, tossing the empty bottle out the window was the wrong thing to do.

I also have to admit that when the environmental movement started getting all hot and bothered (pardon the pun) about global warming, the pictures of those melting glaciers left me feeling somewhat cold (pardon another pun.)

I wasn’t about to argue with what was a self-evident argument about how emissions from a gazillion automobiles would heat up the ozone layer and disrupt the natural ecological balance created at some distant moment in time. But I also thought it was somewhat arrogant for advanced countries like the U.S. to tell people living in underdeveloped countries like Surinam or Malawi that they could continue riding around on a donkey instead of a Honda or a Saab.

For that reason, I was never all that impressed when Tesla opened dealerships in the United States, particularly when their standard car, the Model 3, cost almost twice as much as my Subaru Impreza even though I would be allegedly saving all this money on gas.

