For the Democrats Who Want Biden To Resign…

Mike Weisser
3 min readJul 3, 2024

This is going to be a brief story but it’s a story that needs to be said and said now.

I think that the people who claim to be Democrats and have jumped on the “Joe Must Go’ bandwagon are a bunch of unregenerate shits who are nothing more than a group who want to damage Joe because they have some crazy idea that he was somehow a partner with Hillary Clinton in her rather unprincipled assault on Bern which deprived America of a true socialist whose message was a direct challenge to the political status quo.

Now in fact, Bernie Sanders is no Socialist. I’m sorry but widening the government safety net and helping kids pay the costs of getting a college education isn’t Socialism. It’s simply tinkering with various social programs which exist in other industrialized countries that have a labor union movement with a more leftist tilt.

America is the one industrialized country which was not able to maintain a mass Socialist movement and we certainly aren’t about to engender such a political goal today. Socialism is based on a very simple idea, namely, that private property creates class conflict and therefore should be abolished and replaced by some kind of communal management of the means of production so as to benefit everyone.

