I would respond in detail to your comments except that I never respond to anyone who just can’t stop themselves from using a comment to insert some personal insults. You want to call me ‘stupid’ multiple times? All you are telling the readership of my blog that you’re not interested in an honest exchange of views — you’re interested in saying something which shows what a big, tough guy you are. So go right ahead and use my blog to demonstrate your inability to have a reasoned exchange of information or opinions. But you’ll be talking to yourself.
I will, however, make one comment, which is that I have never (read: never) accused law-abiding citizens who exercise CCW with being the reason that we have 120,000 fatal and non-fatal gun assaults every year. What I have said is that the idea that someone can be licensed to walk around with a highly-lethal product who doesn’t have to demonstrate even the slightest degree of proficiency with that product is absurd.
But I’ll leave it at that because as I said above, you’re not interested in any honest or direct exchange of views. You’re just interested in letting everyone know that you are a big, tough guy who can insult someone else.
So find someone else to insult, okay?