Member-only story
Impeach Trump? Yes! Impeach Mayorkas? No!
Last night I watched the GOP fail to get enough votes to impeach Alejandro Mayorkas, and if my friends in the Democrat(ic) Party don’t kick those dipshits in the ass come November, I’ll still always be a Democrat(ic) voter, but the blue team can kiss the money I give them every year goodbye.
And I don’t kick in just a couple of thou every year, okay?
I’m not trying to impress anyone with the amount of my annual political donations, I’m really not because there are plenty of people out there — thanks God — who write bigger checks than I write to the DNC.
I’m just trying to make you understand that the so-called Republic(an) Party has become the absolute worst collection of nincompoops and street-corner blowhards that even Leonard Mermelstein could take them on in a fair fight. Leonard Mermelstein happens to be my cat.
I love how the Fake Media keeps ramping up the fearsome idea that Trump is going to head the GOP ticket which will threaten to completely undo the democrat(ic) system if he wins.
If Trump wins? If Trump’s even around in November is something to fear?
Are you serious?
This morning, I was listening to the AM shock jock who gets his daily feed of approved topics from the RNC, and he was going on about how Joe…