Should We Take the Country Back?
Ever since Richrd Nixon told the Confederacy that they didn’t have to obey the civil rights law that was passed to enforce the 13th Amendment, the GOP’s entire domestic agenda is based on race, and I don’t mean that in a positive sense.
To their credit, I have to admit that the GOP has also figured out how to end a couple of wars that the Democrats started (Korea, Viet Nam) but couldn’t end, but that’s because the Republic(ans) like to do everything on the cheap, except when it came to Afghanistan where Joe had to pull us out after George Bush sent us in there twenty-three years ago.
The GOP also has this thing about the government deficit, which they claim is so large that sooner or later the entire country will drown in debt, notwithstanding the fact that the last Republic(an) President, a guy named Donald Trump, increased the deficit far above its level when Obama left town.
What’s always pissed me off about how the GOP plays the race card is not so much how those racist shits say that non-white or non-English-speaking men and women (which is the same thing) need to ‘wait their turn,’ as what has usually been the response of our side to such verbal malfeasance, which is the degree to which we have always been so goddamn polite.
I couldn’t believe it when Joe made his comment about how if you were black, you…