Member-only story
Thanks to Trump, Fake News Is Really Fake.
Trump calls It ‘Fake News’ But It’s not news.
Sometimes I get the feeling, and I really mean this, that when it comes to political news, the media is nothing more than a handmaiden to whichever party or political narrative it wants to promote.
In the olden days, the papers I read (WaPo, New York Times) were both ‘democratic’ papers, i.e., they tended to endorse Democat(ic) candidates around election time. The endorsements appeared on something called the ‘editorial page,’ which also contained op-eds by two or three writers, the same two or three writers who leaned in the liberal direction every day.
And that was it. The word ‘politics’ meant who had been elected, who had died in office or gotten caught with his pants down, and there would also be a hard news story about an important piece of legislation from time to time.
When Ronald Reagan got together with House Majority leader Tip O’Neill in 1983 and backed the largest, single income tax increase of all time — the rise in payroll tax rates — it made the front page for a couple of days.
How many political op-eds are now stuck on the front page or first screen of the Fake News? I don’t remember the last time that the WaPo or The New York Times ran a political story which wasn’t some pundit or political ‘influencer’ blowing his/her verbal nose.
Want an example of the drivel we get served up every day? Try yesterday’s WaPo column by one of the paper’s featured…