Trump For President In 2024!
If you think that Donald Trump was the first Presidential candidate to fashion a campaign narrative out of the most hateful and vile racism and combine it with conspiracy-laden fantasies about the anti-liberty ministrations of the Deep State, you happen to be dead wrong. Or better said, you aren’t old enough to pay attention to what Barry Goldwater said in 1964.
The usual analysis of how Lyndon Johnson beat Goldwater focuses on a TV ad that Johnson ran picturing Goldwater as an out-of-control nut who couldn’t be trusted to be careful and cautious when it came to having his finger on the trigger of an atom bomb.
Goldwater was too crazy to become President because during the primary campaign, he advocated using ‘low yield’ atomic weapons to defoliate forests in North Vietnam in order to make it more difficult for supplies to run down the Ho Chi Minh trail. He was roasted in the media for this remark, and he immediately changed his tune, but the damage was done.
I went to a Goldwater rally at some point near the end of the campaign, and all he did was rant and rave about how the federal government was giving everything ‘away’ to people who didn’t want to work and would enact civil rights laws that would take power away from the states. As for foreign policy, he wanted the United States to withdraw from the U.N. Sound familiar? It should.
Goldwater also had his version of the Three Percenters, the QAnon schmucks and the other ‘patriots’ who showed up at Trump rallies over the last five years. This was the John Birch Society, which started promoting the idea that the Federal Government was in cahoots with the worldwide Communist ‘conspiracy’ to bring America down.
I walked into a Bircher bookstore in 1962, and although I was only 18 at the time, and just getting my feet wet in politics, so to speak, it took me about five minutes to realize that the two, little old ladies who gave me some pamphlets to take home and read were completely and totally out of their minds.
The Birchers weren’t skinheads, they didn’t show up at public events toting their AR-15’s. They were, for the most part, older, well-mannered White people with nothing better to do. But make no mistake about it, along with the hard-core racists mostly in the South who saw the 1963 March on Washington as the beginning of the end, the Birchers were Goldwater’s ‘base,’ and he played up to them in every, single campaign speech.
The difference, of course, between 1964 and 2016, wasn’t just one of political style and culture. It was also the fact that in 1964 the internet didn’t exist. What happened to Goldwater’s base after he got swamped by LBJ? They crawled back under their rocks and went back to sleep.
In any human community there will always be some people who are pissed off. There will always be some people who feel that they didn’t get what they deserved. My father-in-law had a decent life, but he knew ‘for a fact’ that he would have done much better except for his “dirty, rotten, stinking, lousy luck.”
Here are the first official portraits of the last four Presidents:
Notice something different about Trump? That’s right — he’s not smiling. But how can you be happy if things are so f*cked up? And this was Trump’s narrative from Day 1. Everything was f*cked up and he was the only guy who was mean enough and tough enough and smart enough to set things straight.
My father-in-law would have loved Trump. And the 200–300 people who are coming to D.C. to ‘free’ the ‘political prisoners’ arrested after January 6th love Trump too. Know what’s happened to all those ‘millions’ of people who still consider themselves to be members of the Trump ‘base?’ They’ve crawled back under their rocks and are planning to vote for Trump again in 2024.
I just took a glance at the Federal Election Commission data on how much money Trump has raised on his official website. Since January, the total is $150,000 and change from roughly 1.050 donations. Except at least one-third of the donations are from the same donors who obviously clicked the monthly button on the donation page, whether they knew it or not. And traffic to his website has dropped by 85% over the last three months.
The next Presidential election will be 60 years since Barry Goldwater ran in 1964. Barry got 52 electoral votes that year and carried 6 states, 5 of which were the Deep South states — Louisiana, Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, and South Carolina.
I’ll give those states to Trump in 2024, he can even get a few more dumb states, like North Dakota, Wyoming, and Idaho. I’ll even throw in New Hampshire, the ‘live free or die’ state.
I really want Trump to run again in 2024. I really do. And after he gets his rear end kicked in, his ‘base’ can crawl back under their rocks for another 60 years.
Just remember who started Labor Day. It wasn’t Donald Trump.