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Trump Is a Threat to Democracy Like I’m a Threat to Democracy.
Enough bullshit, okay? CNN, MS-NBC, The New York Times, and every other media venue in the liberal Fake News has been reporting anything and everything Trump says as if what comes out of his mouth, no matter how stupid, insulting, or untrue, is a news event.
What these media operations get are more views or clicks or eyes on their advertisements; what Trump gets is a free promotion of his name.
And not only has he been getting this freebie for the last eight years, but it’s getting worse because what he says is getting more stupid and there’s a positive correlation between his stupidity and the rate of media coverage he receives.
The latest was his comment about how he would be a ‘dictator’ for the first day of his Presidency if he’s elected again next year. And this comment was blasted all over the media as ‘proof’ that Trump’s an autocrat, or a Fascist, or some kind of combination of both.
Not only does the media now endlessly promote the idea that if he gets back into the Oval Office, that Trump will immediately turn the country into an autocratic state, but major organs of journalistic practices, like the Columbia Journalism Review, are calling for a new approach in order to strengthen the resistance to such a move.