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What Happens If Trump Stays in Charge?
Yesterday, one of CNN’s biggest noisemakers, Chris Cillizza, went on a rant and said the following: “Yet Trump remains — and not just remains, but prospers! — in spite of the fact that he both oversaw and bears responsibility for the fact that Republicans are shut out of power on both ends of Pennsylvania Avenue!”
Cillizza then concludes: “I still don’t totally understand how he did it!”
I’ll tell you how he did it. He did it because Trump has been taking advantage of the fact that for all the talk about all the wonderful gains that have been made in the culture wars over the last twenty years — gender equality, gay marriage, racial diversity — we happen to live in a remarkably conservative country and a country whose political alignment is unlike anywhere else in the entire world.
First of all, we practice a very unique form of democracy. We are the one democratic system which only allows its citizens to choose between two political parties. Want to cast a vote for someone who hasn’t been endorsed by the Democrat(ic) or POS parties? Go right ahead. Your vote won’t count for shit.
This country has never been run by a coalition government which is how every other democratic country organizes its governing political alignment after every election.