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Who Says That 2020 Wasn’t A Stolen Election?
Now that Jack Smith has done his thing, we can all take a deep breath, relax, and stop worrying about whether the Republic is about to be overthrown by a bunch of fascist thugs running all over the place with their AR-15s, right?
Except there’s only one little problem.
What if Trump was right? What if there really was a conspiracy to steal the 2020 election and the people who engaged in that conspiracy are now in charge of things?
Think I’m kidding? I’m not. And the reason I’m not kidding is because even if those lawyers representing Trump — Giuliani, Powell, e. al., — had all their challenges thrown out of court, those challenges represented a bunch of quickie legal arguments cobbled together. They didn’t represent the kind of careful, detailed, and thorough investigation that Jack Smith did.
Jack Smith was appointed Special Counsel in November 2022. The indictment charging Trump with helping to engineer January 6th was issued nine months later. In the interim, Smith basically had access to unlimited investigative resources, including the most advanced forensic technologies available anywhere.
What could Giuliani bring to bear in 2020 to help him develop a case? He had Bernie Kerik, whose investigative experience consisted of using some freebie cops to renovate his…