Member-only story
Why Did Trump Lose the 2020 Election? Here’s Why.
For all the noise that Trump continues to make about a ‘rigged’ or ‘stolen’ election, as Grandma used to say, “I got news for you.” And the news I have for you is that a quick look at various media-internet sources turns up all kinds of charges and counter-charges about election fraud in — ready? — 2008!
That’s right. Barack and Joe swamped McCain and what’s her name, the Electoral College tally was 365 to 173. And on the popular vote side, the blue team beat the red team by 9.5 million votes. Those numbers ain’t gefilte fish or chopped liver no matter how far back you look.
A month before the 2008 election, The Failing New York Times ran a story about how at least nine states weren’t following federal guidelines for how votes were counted who validating who could vote. Two of these nine states were Georgia and Michigan. The federal guidelines which must be followed in all states are listed in a law passed after the 2000 election. It is called the Help America Vote Act (HAVA) and was passed by overwhelming majorities in both chambers of Congress.
There are two main components to HAVA: (1). Accessibility to voting locations, making it particularly easier for disabled individuals to vote, and (2). better management of voting procedures, including replacing old technologies (punch cards, etc.) with electronic…