Why Not Live in a Liberal State?
What I’m going to say now will probably piss off some of my readers, but my self-appointed task is to piss off my readers. So here goes.
I live in the only state — Massachusetts — which sends a completely Democrat(ic) delegation to D.C. sit in the Senate and the House. The Governor of my state, Maura Healey, is a smart cookie who happens to be openly and publicly gay. In that regard, Massachusetts was the first state to recognize gay marriage as a legitimate and legal union between two individuals, regardless of gender or what we politely refer to as ‘sexual orientation.’ And the law recognizing gay marriage in Massachusetts was passed years before Obergefell v. Hodges got to the Supreme Court.
My state also has a very strong commitment to public health. Don’t want your kid to get vaccinated because you know for a fact that vaccinations cause mental retardation? Get ready to teach your child the ABC’s at home because he or she ain’t going to be attending a public school.
Massachusetts is also only one of two states which has a single-payer health system, the other state being Vermont, although Bern had nothing to do with setting up that program at all.
Two years ago, some schmuck who claimed to invent email ran against Jim McGovern for a Senate seat. The state Republic(an) Committee was so embarrassed by this asshole, who ran around the state attending every anti-vaccination meeting he could find, that the Committee figured out some way to jettison this jerk off of the ballot, knowing that if he challenged the move (which he did) that some judge would tell him to stick it up his ass (which is exactly what some judge did tell him to do.)
I live in a small town outside of Amherst, and every two years the Democrats on the ballot get 94% of the votes. I suspect that the other 6% vote red just to piss everyone off.
The next town up the road, Leverett, held a town meeting some years ago to debate various proposals to raise some additional monies by increasing tax rates on local properties. The town decided to send a letter to then-President Obama asking that they be allowed, for a fee of course, to house all the Gitmo prisoners in their homes. The town actually sent this request to D.C. It didn’t get a response. Gee, what a surprise.
I don’t know how a state which was founded by Puritans and has a Catholic Archdiocese so powerful that even with a court order you can’t check their books, is far and away the most liberal of all 50 states. As far as I’m concerned, Massachusetts should be a model for every other state, or at least the states whose populations vote blue.
But you ask, what about all those liberal-minded folks in red states who can’t just pick up and move to a blue state? In fact, many of those liberals are living in what Al Franken used to call the ‘dumb states’ because they moved there from blue states in order to pay less taxes.
Want to live in a state which doesn’t have a state income tax? Fine. Just don’t complain when you discover that the state where you now live has never heard the phrase ‘social services’ as something that government is supposed to do.
But you then ask, what about all the poor people in those red states? What are they supposed to do? They can’t just pick up and move to Massachusetts, right?
You’re right. They can’t.
Know what? The poverty class in this country, no matter where they live, will take it up the ass. The poor always take it up the ass. Is that so different or new?
Here’s my final point which is the reason I wrote this rather angry and confrontational story today. Those shitass members of the Democrat(ic) caucus in D.C. who have come out publicly calling for Joe to quit the race, should not only be ashamed of themselves, but should consider making a joint application to join the GOP. And if their entrance into the GOP caucuses would result in Congress passing some crazy new laws to abolish WOKE or requiring that all public schools begin every day with a passage from Matthew or Luke piped into every class, I guarantee you that the State of Massachusetts would override such legislative nonsense without even holding a debate.
Those Democrat(ic) jerks in D.C. who have already forgotten how this entire country was terrified of the Covid-19 virus up until Joe took the oath in 2021, should just go fuck themselves because they need us a lot more than we need them.
Again, if anything I’ve said above pisses you off, that was the point of this story, okay?